Oxidation Stability Apparatus, 30-Place and 60-Place

Two banks of individually controlled flowmeters maintain the required oxygen flow rate to each test cell, and condenser water control valves for each cell are mounted on manifolds along the sides of the bath. A centrally mounted trough collects condenser waste water for convenient disposal or recirculation through an external cooling device. The bath interior is constructed of heavy gauge welded stainless steel. All components are easily accessible for servicing if required. Supplied with a sturdy finished angle-iron frame for floor standing installation. Order oxidation cell glassware and accessories separately.

Test Method

Evaluates oxidation stability by subjecting the sample to a temperature of 95°C in the presence of oxygen or dry air. For inhibited mineral oils, the sample is reacted with oxygen in the presence of water and an iron-copper catalyst.


  • Thirty and sixty-place liquid baths for high volume testing requirements
  • Conforms to ASTM and related test method specifications
  • Special baths for ASTM D2893 and AOCS CD12-57 tests