Ramsbottom Carbon Residue Apparatus

Test Method

Determines the ‘carbon residue’ left after evaporation and pyrolysis of a sample oil in the Ramsbottom furnace, providing an indication of the deposit forming tendencies of fuels and guidelines for the processing of refinery products.



  • Conforms to ASTM D524 and related specifications
  • Microprocessor temperature control with digital display and over-temperature cut-off



Conforms to the specifications of: ASTM D524, D6074; IP 14; ISO 4262; FTM 791-5002; NF T 60-117

Furnace Type: Cast iron block

Capacity: 5 coking bulbs

Maximum Temperature: 650°C (1200°F)

Controller Sensitivity: ±1°C (± 2°F)

Heater: 0-2400W, ceramic band heater


K27100, K27190 - Ramsbottom Carbon Residue Apparatus (Operational Video)